Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Diva is a Diva!

I played with Diva today, a 3 yr old pretty flaxen chestnut Morgan filly. As a youngster, she was unhandled and flighty when I bought her, but now she has settled down and seems ready for work. Her first saddleing with a small huntseat saddle was adventurous, she did not like it one bit! Turns out she was nervous of the jangleing of the buckle ends, so after I got her used to that, she was fine. Today, I groomed her and sacked her briefly, then introduced a big western saddle. She was fine with it. I cinched her up and out to the arena we went.

We played, tossing the rope around and on her, lunged, walked over caveletti, lunged more, then I led her to my mounting block where I bounced in the stirrup, leaned on the saddle and generally go her used to someone up and above her, without actually getting on her. I think I will have someone here on the ground when I do that!

All in all, she was a really good girl, she seems to have developed a trust in my after all the goofy things I have done with her. She is learning it doesn't hurt and sometimes it is fun to play.

Next: playing with Vixie!

OK, not Vixie the dunskin...

Late this afternoon, I rode Violet again, my cute little bay mare. We rode in the arena in my old stubben saddle. She was pretty full of herself, as it was cool and cloudy. I insisted on a walk for a few times around the arena, then let her trot. We trotted around, over ground poles and cavelletti, did serpentines. She is a good girl, but sometimes acts like she has been made to wear a tie-down, will tuck her chin in too much. I try to encourage her to stretch out to the bit.

After arena work, we moseyed down the driveway and then back home to unsaddle, quick groom, and feed everyone.

I really like Vixie, she is such a good ride! I have enjoyed every ride on her so far.

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